And the winner is…

Kendra you win (look for an email from me)! To everyone who played and didn’t win. I’m sorry! It was dh’s fault! 😉 Thank you to all my readers, it’s a good feeling knowing that I’m not just talking to the voices in my head.

I may or may not go quiet this week. I’ve got so much I have to do. The tree

See? This is as far as I’ve gotten when it comes to putting up Christmas.

I’ve got to get the quilt for my in-law’s made. The Christmas cards addressed & mailed. Buy for the stockings, dh, & step-dad. Pick out what cookies I’m making this year. Then bake them. Wrap presents. Mail packages to Mom & the in-laws. Plus all my regular chores/jobs/general slavery.

And because I feel like it, consolation prize time.

1. Prize? I dunno yet, but it’ll be something to make you smile.

2. Familiar with LOL Cats? Well here’s mine; Tycho.

Best caption (meaning the one that makes me laugh hardest) wins. You don’t have to ‘shop the pic.  Just post the caption in the comments section. I’ll have ds caption the winner. (He’s learning Photoshop in computer class at school you know.)

This entry was posted in General Rambling, Stitching. Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to And the winner is…

  1. Melissa M. says:

    She’s planning to do HOW much by Christmas?

  2. Melissa C. says:

    Well, you’ve gotten farther than me on Christmas decorating, except I do have the shopping for the girls done. Good luck with your chores.

  3. Danielle says:

    you are quite ambitious!…but from constantly reading your blog, you’ll do it all! You already do it all….you’re inspiring!

    my caption is “No ‘Celebrations’ this year…ooooohhhh nnnooooo”

  4. LoriU says:

    My caption idea is:

    “HEE HEE…she thinks she’s going to get all that done!”


  5. Jenjen says:

    Caption: (yawning) I am so over this – where is MY pimped out manicure!

  6. Claire says:

    “Bake the ccokies first, Mom. Bake the cookies first.”


  7. Daffycat says:

    I found your blog through Kendra’s. Was so pleased to see you finishing up Crabby All Year. Some friends and I are doing this design as a monthly SAL next year!

    I just bought my button packs from 123 Stitch…ouch! I’m looking forward to seeing yours completed!

  8. Hey, what’s this you’re making… That’s not catnip!!!

  9. Diana says:


    I opened my mouth
    And closed my eyes
    I’m now ready
    For my big surprise!!

    Could it be a Cheeeezburger?!?

  10. I have really enjoyed reading back over your blog – I found you through Kendra –

    I just love that you said your pie tasted like ass – I have so totally been there!!!! and thrown that sucked out!!!!


  11. Elizabeth says:

    Cute kitty! Here’s my caption: Wait til Mom finds the present I left under the tree for her!

  12. Oh, good. The big scratching post is up. Hmm. Think I’ll wait until she puts some shiney things on it for my amusement. Meanwhile, a nap is in order….

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